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Elaboration 58

In the U.S.A. , the measure for all people, for behaviour, for social contacts is taken almost solely from the Hollywood dream factories, the very cheapest sort of 'entertainments'. It is ingrained by sub-liminal command, subliminal suggestion. Simple expressions like: 'to go out with ..., to have a friend, to date, etc. ' have lost their original meanings and are understood as being copulative actions. But had the film-producers earned millions by carefully mass-producing what the simple-minded want, the later gutter-syndicates gathered billions by another trick. Hollywood produced for the cheap, the pop-syndicate eradicated first (and permanently) all aesthetic feeling, and then, they can sell everything for high prices. A simple command to buy, (tell that it is top-pop-ten rate), is enough. Then, also, one need no decades of wholehearted study in order to reach a top, one can start straightaway in the business. All teaching, all learning, all ideation is almost wholly 'sub-liminal' meaning that there is hardly any conscious knowledge involved. In order to understand sub-liminal ideation, let there be a showing of a film of the normal (?) Western type. Let the hero or the culprit step out of a pub over which a signboard says for instance: the Bull. When in the ribbon of pictures, one frame is altered so that the sign reads: 'Bomb the Russians!', it moves too fast, is stationary too short a time, for it being read consciously. Yet, as is expected in Hypno-dynamics, and proved in experiment, the message has influence upon the viewer. It is said that in the U.S.A. there is a law against using this subliminal techniques, but ... who can ever hope to investigate or inspect it? What is more, how about the subliminal effect of all presented messages of the untampered version of the film? What about aggression proposed as virtue? of cruelty for pleasure?, what about suggesting that women are, as the Mormons say, heifers, beasts for 'use' only, what about suggesting that police is always far more criminal than the rogues themselves, of stupid fashion in behaviour? Take the stupid women who are 'ordered' to buy some stupid clothes, being commanded (suggestion) to belong. How about the subliminal (real) command to 'like' the dirty, the worn, the loud, the stupid, the infantile, the cretinous? Note that all teaching is practically wholly subliminal, but, how many teachers in a million are ideationally expert enough to know this? Do, read Spencer again, about the 'control of the individual' and understand that nowadays, we do it wholesale, unscrupled, with unlimited profits.
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Ven 2007-09-11