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Elaboration 60

The reader should draw parallels of the ritual of walking aimlessly in a circle, this stupid act by superstition, and the same stupid act of driving in circles at the motor races or car crosses. The rights and duties also are violated therein. Why are 'they', the chosen people, allowed to burn up your precious fuel, your costly tyres, in fact, use your possessions in labour and material that are everybody's possession, for nothing, for pleasing some semi-gods? Possessions of everybody, the riches of our planet, invoke the duty to use them sparingly, and only when the good of all is involved, is served, or a necessity for emergency crops up. Fire-, and police-engines, ambulances, etc. 'are' normal in a modern world, although, when they did not exist, hand and horse carts did not destroy the world, they only made survival somewhat more difficult.

Ven 2007-09-11