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Elaboration 15

Naturally, there must be build-in saveguards against having to waste the governor's time with all the balderdash that mankind can provide. But the serious, and working ideas and inventions definitely got no access to the higher officials as is amply proved by history (see also Parkinson, Spencer, Peter, etc.). Wholly alike, is the treatment of reports from hypnodynamic experts to governments, patient unions, the press, etc. Man's (needless) suffering counts not a iota for them. While e.g. asthma is still regarded as 'incurable' by the physicians, the proof of one case cured would be enough to wreck this false notion. When one single case of curation is reported, the statement 'incurable' must be a pertinent lie, a very potent lie too. I sent copies of the 12 different pages out of 12 different books on hypnodynamics (in two languages) in which actual curation was mentioned, with my report to the Dutch Boer government in the Nether countries. Since then (1980) the patients still have to suffer from Seneca's disease, and their answer to me was naked stupidity. In a decent government, the disease would, by now, have been ousted from society, or I would have been imprisoned for lying in so serious a matter as misery for millions.
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Ven 2007-09-11