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Elaboration 29

This looks like an attack on our contemporary prime ministers, presidents, commissars, etc, yet it is not meant to be so. It is a simple statement about a social scientific topic, a scientific statement that can never be interpreted as an insult. Scientific truth is independable of flattery or insult. Saying: 'You are an ass (pig, rat, etc.) ' is an insult. Scientific truth says that you are not, since you are a human. But declaring: 'You do speak untruth', or, 'you speak of things unknown to you', 'you speak of things as certainties that are unknowable for every human being', or again, 'you decide over people's fate without competence, your acquired authority is illegal', etc., etc. may be interpreted as an insult, but is in fact based upon pure facts, science. If it is insulting, the facts are not so, but those who are producing these facts. It is their own doing. Whether the diplomats will like it, or whether they themselves can help it that they are doing a job for which they are not qualified nor capable, has nothing to do with the adamant fact 'that' they are such. After all, everybody knows that killing and torture goes on all the time on the globe, that large areas are devastated and deforested, that a huge number of citizens are hungry while others eat three times what they need, and throw for the pigs half that amount, that there is a butter-mountain, a milk-lake, a wine-pond, a beef-pile, vegetable oil-streams etc., that tulips are grown in costly hothouses, on prime soil. They, the governing people of today, are the only ones that 'can' govern so as to clean this up, are therefore totally incapable persons. Except an Asoka, a Pericles or other very long ago governors (when the problem was not yet known, the solution very well known, e.g. to Socrates), there has never been a proper prime-minister or president who was capable to realize his job properly. This scientific statement can easily be verified in reality. For the sake of decency, taking the dead ones like Churchill and Roosevelt during World War 2. They tried to create some order for the future chaos (that we are in), but did they ever realise that they were representing a fundamentally 'illegal' government? When the answer is no ... they were not capable to govern at all, when yes, did they ever act accordingly? At least the second answer is sufficient to allow the scientific statement of they being not capable, being in fact far worse than every child that knows these things, knows that Earth is every citizen's possession, that all governing should be done in the name of all these citizens, otherwise 'is' illegal. The reader applies the same test to whatever governor of today, he wishes to. The outcome remains the same. Totally unqualified and incapable, illegal persons, doing an illegal job of governing only 'part' of earth, part of its citizens, 'a' nation. Is not your heart getting chilly when you hear the president of the most powerful nation speak of Christian principles and democratic ways? Superstition as the rule, and democrazy!
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Ven 2007-09-11