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What are You to Do?

Let us take a problem at random. Acid rain. The solution, very basically is (always) : a) No more children! and then b), c), etc. I hope I have made this clear by now. The first solution, the A1, for all problems is always depopulation, diminish capita (not de-capitation). Our true nationality, says Wells, is mankind (Outline). With this, he actually meant to shift the normal (!) group consciousness of nationality (making for acid rain, war and extermination) towards a healthier group-consciousness of world-citizenship in which acid rain, and war is not possible. This is practically the only recipe one can give for a better world namely: make yourself (to feel) a world citizen! (solution b). But there are other things of some importance too. This last chapter for well-thinking people should consist of two main parts. One about what we all should aim at, another as recipe for your own personal actions, your life. This first part should stress that, although on this planet, we all live under illegal governments (96), this is no excuse for violence, crime, for rioting or blackmailing by taking hostages, nor for planting bombs or shooting people. We cannot start on a new world by means of bloodshed, as was customary in all revolutions we know of. We should remember, the French revolution, Nazidom, U. S. S. R., etc., bear in mind that 'destruction first', makes building anew the more impossible (first lesson from history (section 97) ). You live in an illegal government, one that decides only over part of the globe, and over part of the citizens, but, for the time being, let it remain so until world-government is established. Let the (very, very last) revolution come by itself, gently, from out 'intelligentsia', the group that was the first to be murdered in every other revolution. Let it spread thoroughly and fast, to still lower levels of mankind, from teacher's teachers, to the teachers, from them, to neighbours, family, pupils and the like. It is only when these pupils, (properly instructed and mentally of the class: 'world-citizen') become professionally involved in the media, when they start having jobs therein, that we may expect co-operation from these media, accelerating the evolution, to faster and faster, and world-a-spreading. Right now, trying to get the media, the most powerful force in our world, interested in world-problems is premature. Whether they have children or not, the interesse of the news-makers, lies solely in making money, in competing with fellow news-makers. They will always like to speak about world-problems, the misery, the violence, the signs on the walls, but, a solution would rob them of these problems. (When one writes to an asthma-patients fund, telling the truth, the curative possibility in an afternoon's time, by verbals, it similarly would finish the fund for good, therefore they accept it under no condition). When the strictly personal idea of world-co- operation, of all being world-citizens, the realization of the stupidity that causes extinction, war, and torture, i.e. 'national- ism', could be made flashing over the globe, when there are plenty of persons 'feeling' to be world-citizen, then, we can start organizing these. It must be the absolute minimum of organization, certainly NOT maintained by secrecy, but nevertheless, 'some' form. It could start as gathering citizens administratively (computer), later, a 'shadow' world- government could be appointed (random from the list), and this latter could hold finance, for which there is a need (for the time being). This group of world-citizens, protempore as governors, could make for fast spread over the globe by showing that it works (i.e. deciding without bickering). Very, very much later, when more and more property of the citizens (earth and its riches) has become under theoretical control, it would become time to pay tax, no longer to one's own (?) government, but to the world-government. This is the last stage in sanity. It becomes possible for the government to gain control, the remaining illegal governments simply wither away. Naturally, this is continuous- ly helped along with propaganda for sanity, for the abolishment of the S. D. A, the self-destroying-ape. The problem of the Iron curtain, would require special care and elasticity, but, there 'must' be people there too, with a spark of sanity. With regard to the second part of the recipe, the job for the reader himself, is it necessary still to point out the need for, him becoming world-citizen in mind? Let him see the need, the possibility, the actuality in e.g. one sphere of our lives. Is it not known that with regard to work and cost of our postal functions, there seem to be perfect co-operation. It would only need a standardized world-stamp to have it really 'mondial'. The result is practically so. (One can send a card from Denmark to Sicily, with only one stamp, no stamp for Germany, Austria, Italy is required). Practically the only thing required for the person as non-S.D.A., as world-citizen is in himself, just to be, or not to be one. Naturally he should convince people in his little world too, like a chess enthusiast who 'would' like others to be so too. It is only idea, ideational change, that is necessary, the result follows automatically. Nobody would remain stupid long when he experiences Democritical smiles from everybody else. A religious person would become very resistent when one tries to persuade him to give up his superstition, his stupidity. Use then, the gentle way. Let him become aware of you yourself being a rational, sane, well-willing person, who just smiles at all stupidity. But, for cry-sake, be not fooled by mathematical persuasion! When from today onwards, we would have 5 million instead of 5 billion, true, our problems would be practically over (although still needing world-government), but, in my country where there are 10,000 heart victims per year, it would not be reduced to 10 per year. Far more obvious would be 2 or 3 per year, but probably one in the 5 years if not 50 years is more likely. There would not be 1 kilogram of tobacco produced, shipped, bought and sold, for every ton (1000 kilograms) today, but none. Similarly with tea and coffee and ... admirably ... chewing gum, by far the most stupid product in the history of mankind. Beware of deliberate swindle-theories telling you that the planet can sustain even 10 billion, given the proper distribution of food. Just grin at them, they are beyond rationality. Everybody wants to belong, life is unbearable in isolation. By showing how, we can make everybody want to belong to the world-companionship, no longer to a crazy notion of 'nationality'. This is all that is required, although we certainly want many sane scientists to develop our world-citizenship, our grasp over reality, further and further. All, however, 'IS' idea, ideational. Physical means, Earth's riches, there is still plenty of. Animals and plants, we and our children have rights. With only 5 million of us, and rational ones as well, we need not slave animals but live in peace with them. When you, dear reader, are by now familiar with world governmental issues, AND willing to be a world-saver by 'be- ing' world-citizen, I must greet you as such, and take my leave. Being a world-citizen virtually asks nothing from you, save things that are good for you in general. When English speaker, it means no more than showing the right path all about you, convincing others, make them aware and rational too. This, needless to say, only when it does not endanger your life. In the meantime, do yourself the favour of the joys of studying stupidity. You can use anything, it is all about you. News media, government, organization (lack of it), behaviour of passers by, of customers, parents, teachers, religious cranks, and so on. Do, enjoy stupidology, and study stupidogenesis! What happens next? Well, I for one, have done my duty to society, as 'mind' scientist and world-citizen. I cannot do more. I am living in very poor circumstances, although extremely happy, and that is that. If you, reader would come into some money, you could start and multiply this little book. Needless to say that it should not be translated into other vernaculars. We cannot work for world-organization by favouring non-world languages (nationalisms). In fact, the group of readers aimed at by me, just 'are' those who are already halfway on the world-organizational pathway by knowing the language. Others will follow when we induce them to do so. There are absolutely NO copyrights attached this book, only the normal criterion of truth. (Copyrights, secrecy, pay, are the death of science, of all progress (98) ). This is to say that when you would alter the text, or write a new (better) one, you put 'your' name under it, when you use the original text, you might put my name under it. In this way, all readers would know whom to ask questions. You can simply go to some printer, give him this text, (pay, ...) and have it printed. But with regard to (me) answering questions, it must be said that, say, two or three letters would cost me roughly the equivalence of a daily meal, through the paper, envelope and postage. I simply cannot do this. With many adherents, we could start straight away with the formation of a world-citizen's administrative content, from which we could draw a number of governing citizens, as World-Government in statu nascendi. This latter, then, could change over smoothly into the real thing, when there are sufficient numbers of world-citizens all over the planet. They then should decide, over the use of the capital, the laws with regard to world-citizenship, the spending of money (which by then will be normal tax), the change in our society from money society to one for essentials, into 'one daily meal for every Earth citizen', and first of all, the rescue of Earth, our climate, our very air and water. Absolutely NO bloodshed is required, no obstruction, destruction. We all work together with the illegal governments and their selves police forces in order to prevent bloody revolutions. In general, a large, and growing movement, a movement that has only the barest traces of 'organization' in it, is necessary in order to gather sufficiently large numbers of sane world-citizens, to provide for the random choice of a computer. The necessity of total absence of secrecy (which is synonymous with group-consciousness, conceit, arms, war, and total industrial extinction), cannot be more stressed by every good-willing citizen, i.e. me, you. When you are non-English speaker, dear reader, not fluent enough in English, you should start teaching yourself (nobody else can do the learning for you) now. When you do it all in your own time, it needs hardly any effort at all, to become, as I am, an artificial native English speaker, one who thinks easily in the language, one, who might even help correct the stupidities in it. Let the reader know how easy it is, how I learned Spanish (the second world language) simply from an English book and newspapers, (Turkish the same, etc.). For all these things, learning, feeling world-citizen, teaching to the kids, etc. it always is the same ideational law:
Only you yourself can do it, nobody else.

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Ven 2007-09-11