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Elaboration 19.1

Indeed, at our universities (except maybe at those behind the Iron Curtain), many scientists are to be found who are superstitious in their daily lives. They certainly are would-be scientists who think that science is only to happen (!) in a certain building, not at home or on the street, that often, their superstitions happen only in certain other buildings the temples. They are on a par with many teachers who think that influence (ideation, education, suggestion, indoctrination, etc.) only happens when the children are properly seated in the school, or like the doctors who think that suggestion (ideation, etc.) takes place only when they start doing it, and so forth (Jacobson). (Jacobson teaches you how to teach others deep relaxation, yet he stresses most seriously NOT to use suggestion (!!!). It makes his book both, valuable and ridiculous). With a 'real' scientist, a person is meant who is a scientist through and through, in his whole mind, therefore in all his actions and activity in life. Absurd questions that follow from the superstitions (the difference between a religion and superstition depends solely on the number, the percentage, of acceptors of the belief as true, many makes a superstition into a religion, few make a religion into a superstition (Locke) ), become superfluous and non-existent questions. Persons who first believe that a god 'is', second that it (or he, she, they), is the all loving, are pestered by e.g. the logical paradox why there is so much misery in the world. This question, naturally becomes meaningless when no such absurd superstitions are held. With Galsworthy we might say that birds, animals, insects, vegetable life, they all eat each other more or less, but they make no fuss about it (The Freelands). We should always remain aware of the true cause for behaviour, instead of the secondary or tertiary 'reasons' we are so used to. Why does this professor or teacher teach? The explanation (tertiary cause) of the pupil is: because he wants me to know ... X. The teacher's own explanation (secondary cause) to himself is: that it makes a good living. The real cause is: be-cause of his need for control, applause, security. This thought is valid for everybody that one encounters in civilized life, i.e. except under stress, like famine, concentration camp, life-boat, cinema fire, etc. survivalistic control. It is valid for the bus conductor who clips one's ticket, the nurse, surgeon, artist, minister of health, etc. (Spencer). The real scientist rejects the two fields of control, of being controlled, i.e. the religion and the fashion. The remaining one, control by laws, he accepts only. It is an obvious necessity, but then, ... sanity first.
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Ven 2007-09-11