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Elaboration 22

Dale Carnegie said that in advertising (group-ideation), the masses could not distinguish between 'emphasis' and 'proof'. He had it from a candidate for the presidency (Bryan). Indeed, as Hitler said (and showed, with Goebbels etc.) pure propaganda without some form of proof (or ascribed proof, (emphasis) ), is quite useless. True, Marxist systems use the 'tell a lie often enough and it will be believed' dictum, but the necessary effort then, is great, dissent by common-sense remains. Repetition too, is a very useful strategy, but always, accompanied with demonstration remains necessary. Hypnodynamic techniques always use such 'proofs' by demonstrations from trance induction strategies to the very curative suggestions (ideas). The (leg) paralytic is demonstrated to himself that he can, first attain trance, that he can think to lift his arm without willing it, and then, that he can walk normally, and therefore, he 'shall' walk normally for the rest of his life. Demonstration, the showing of facts, has the highest order of truthfulness, far higher than e.g. physical laws (that may stop tomorrow, for all we know). They show a clear cut fact as happening, as happened, (as history rather). The same goes for Seneca's disease as well. Pity that he did not know about these hypnodynamic techniques of 1920 in Nancy.
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Ven 2007-09-11