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Elaboration 40.1

Subliminal suggestion is somewhat the opposite of the placebo-effect. In the latter, you are being told (consciously) a half-truth ('this is a medicine, you get well through it' (the first part is a lie, the second may be true, be made true) ), in the former, the subliminal, you are told (commanded) something, without knowing it consciously. When, as I saw at a laboratory for pseudology, you see a pseudiatrix trying to perform a telephone conversation at the hall-desk, against the pure physical law of gravitation that works on her sleeves, you know it is by subliminal command to continually tuck-up her sleeves, because it is the fashion. While blouse and jacket stubbornly fight to take up the most comfortable position, i.e. right down to the wrist, she fights back to each in turn by tucking and tugging. She saw (subconsciously) a film star doing it and that was enough for her. Such, is the force of subliminal commands. Subliminal suggestion (ideation, etc.) is even forbidden in some countries, but, in line with general stupidity, it is not possible to detect, save for the man who produces it. In some cases, it 'may' be detected but only so by the aid of costly apparatus. When in a shop e.g. it is used through the loudspeaker system that for the normal ear produces music (?), by sub-audible suggestion that 'you will not steal' or 'you will always buy the best, the expensive' it can only be detected by first take a tape recorder with you, and later process it at home by filtering the music out. Often then, you have to use different speeds, etc. How can one detect a single frame in the film you watch at the cinema or on your television that is tampered with? When you see a cowboy coming out of the pub, there is right over his head the sign which says 'Beer, and Goils'. In the film, (with 20 or 25 frames per second), some may have been altered saying in reality 'What have we the BOMB for' or whatever the film maker wants us to know subliminally. How are we to-, or how is the law to-, detect this? It means going through the whole film, frame for frame, and the investigation time per frame is at least 5 seconds (25 x 5 = 125 times the film's exposure time). Subliminal suggestion is there for all to know, only it is not detectable as such. A law is therefore nonsense, the only way to the real freedom over one's own ideation, and over what sort of suggestion we allow to reach us, is to do away with all industrial competition. A mental change is needed, into only producing something nice and beautiful and good, for others, simply because it 'is' good. Meanwhile, ... stay away from cinema's and advertisers, as far as possible.
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Ven 2007-09-11