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Tao Stoic 107

"Master, a man with AIDS who just goes on infecting females without even telling them, what do you call him?"

"Exactly what he is, a murderer first degree."

"But a judge condemned a man who did just that, calling him a murderer."

"The vagaries of the judicature, just because it is based upon stupidity, are therefore unlimited too."

"How then, would you define murder, Master?"

"On the spur of the moment, it is: 'Any action OR inaction of which the actor knows that it causes death, and is incited for the advantage of the perpetrator'. When such a person is not effectively insulated from future victims by law, it is everybody's duty to put him to an end humanely. That is fundamental ethics. There was a man who made 40 victims in 1.5 years in that way. Would not, then, these victims have Rights?"

"But the man acted, though he did not primarily wanted the victims dead."

"Very few murderers want their victims dead (lust murders), but only out of the way. When you really want another person dead, there are only two possibilities. One is self-defence and is a legal duty, the other is by loss of temper in a quarrel, which is most illegal. If you want somebody dead in order to cash in on the insurance, it is really the money you want, the killing is a last resort. To willfully infect one in order to cash in on sexual pleasure, is precisely the same, murder as by-product, yet, murder."

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Ven 2005-01-24