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Tao Stoic 222

"You know, of course, Ling, that one should avoid a mob, even such a peaceful looking mob as shopping people. Such a peaceful mob can be turned into a furious one in one second. In shopping, though, you may take the risk since you 'know' of the workings. But avoid at all cost, as if it were the plague, those shops or shopping centers where they play so-called music from speakers in the ceiling."

"Why would that be Master?"

"In shops like that, they care not a rap about your rights, hence this caterwauling that you have to put up with. When they do not care a rap about your rights, they will easely start on the dirty business of sub-liminal suggestion (ideation). They may command you, without your knowing it, to buy only the expensive articles, not to steal, and even to buy things you would never have thought of buying in your life."

"Is that possible Master?"

"Naturally it is. When you find you have bought a silly product, like a toilet product for ladies, you can be certain that sub-liminal suggestion was in play. It HAS happened you know. While you still have control over you NOT going into the shop, you will lose it by going in. I know there are some sorts of laws against the use of it, but, typical for the general craziness, they cannot be enforced, the act cannot be detected when done cleverly. Avoid, avoid, I say, keep to the Way."

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Ven 2005-01-24