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Tao Stoic 248

"Master, when discussing the seed as individual asleep, why did you speak of freezing too, instead of solely cooking?"

"It is more or less the proof for life being not fundamentally energy or the use of energy, but solely structure, like a catalyst."

"What is the difference in freezing or cooking then, with regard to structure?"

"In general, going from high temperature to low, one find a steady increase in complexity that is possible. The surface of a star, solely atoms - hot planet, molecules but no gas or liquid cooler planet, even water and hydrogen bonds, also very weak bonds that make a living body possible. Now, by further cooling, you will not destroy these bonds, THIS CAPACITY, (life). But by heating up, you will get temperatures at which these structures are impossible, therefore, they are destroyed.

When you dig up seeds from thousands of years of ice, you plant them, AND only one of them show a shimmer of starting life, it is obvious that the sleep of these seeds cannot have been energy-absorbing, not the tiniest bit, after so many years. Therefore, the CAPACITY has been kept only as structure, not as energy-flow. It is also the explanation for the staggering phenomenon that some fishes can be frozen-in, yet stay alive, nay even sperm of animals! Naturally, the sleep of these latter, millionfold complex life forms, may actually use very low energy flows, so that they may not survive a thousand years of iceincapsulation. But it remains that pure structure is not very much destructable by freeze & time, yet falls apart easely through heat. Heat, is more and more hectic bombardment of particles, cooling is more of a fixation and cannot get deeper and deeper."

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Ven 2005-01-24