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The Poisson-Inhibition Model and the Poisson-Erlang Model

The Poisson-Inhibition model, as well as previously developed inhibition models, are developed to account for the sequence of RTs which can be observed when a single test is administrated to a single subject. The model is designed to explain the statistical properties of a series of reaction times, $T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_j, \ldots, T_n$, representing the amounts of time a person uses for each one of a sequence of n responses executed consecutively. It is assumed that each response requires the same amount of processing time: A. The actual time Tdj spent (the reaction time), exceeds A because of distractions interrupting work on the task. So, Tj = A + Dj, where $D_{j} = D_{1j} + D_{2j} + \ldots + D_{Nj}$ is the sum of the distraction intervals for particular response j. Within reaction time j, the duration of the distractions Dijare random variables and so is their number N. In the previously mentioned Poisson-Erlang model, PE model for short, N has a Poisson distribution and the Dij are exponentially distributed with a constant transition rate $\delta$, so Dj has an Erlang distribution. In the Poisson-Inhibition model, PI model for short, the hypothetical construct inhibition, denoted by Y(t), is introduced. Inhibition Y(t) increases linearly with rate a1 during work intervals:

Y'(t) = a_1 \mbox{ during work intervals}\end{displaymath} (1)

and decreases linearly with rate a0 during distraction intervals:

Y'(t) = -a_0 \mbox{during rest intervals}\end{displaymath} (2)

The transition rates $\lambda_1$, from work to rest (distraction), and $\lambda_0$, from rest to work are no longer constant. From now on they depend on inhibition: $\lambda_1 = l_1(Y)$, $\lambda_0 = l_0(Y)$, where l1 is a non-decreasing function and l0 is a non-increasing function. Specification of the functions l1 and l0 leads to various "special inhibition models". In the PI model l1 and l0 are as follows:

l_1(y) = c_1,
\mbox{ ($c_1$\space a positive constant)}\end{displaymath} (3)

The transition rate from work to rest is constant. Since a task requires, for its completion, an amount of working time A, and during this time, interruptions occur with rate c1, it follows, that the number of distractions is Poisson distributed with mean c1 A. This was the reason for the "Poisson" in the name of the model.

l_0(y) = \frac{c_0}{y},
\mbox{ for $y>0$ . ($c_0$\space a positive constant)}\end{displaymath} (4)

The transition rate from rest to work is given by $\lambda_0(t) = l_0(Y(t)) = c_0/Y(t)$. Note, that as Y(t) goes to zero (during a distraction), the transition rate $\lambda_0(t)$ goes to infinity and this forces a transition from rest to work before the inhibition could reach zero.

In the case of the PE model the inhibition has no influence on the development of the process. However, one might as well consider it rising with rate a1 during work and falling with rate a0 during distractions. It seems natural to assume that as the process goes on, the inhibition will neither increase to $+\infty$ or decrease to $-\infty$, but will fluctuate around a more or less stable mean. Thus the mean increase of inhibition during a work interval: a1/c1should be equal to the mean decrease during a distraction interval: a0/c0. According to the PI model (Smit and van der Ven, 1995) the parameters A, a0, a1, c0 and c1 satisfy the equations ([*]) through ([*]). According to Smit (personal communication) one might write a = a0, c = c0, k = a1/a0 = c1/c0. This is a nice way to reduce the number of parameters by one: A, a, c and k instead of A, a0, a1, c0, c1. No generality is lost by this reduction. For example, suppose one applies a linear scale transformation to inhibition. Say one measures inhibition in J (Joule) instead of in KJ (Kilo Joules). This would change a0 and a1 by a factor 1000 (ai becomes 1000ai) and also the numerical values of Y (inhibition) would be multiplied by 1000 and hence, since the transition rate $\lambda_0 = l_0(y) = c_0/y = \frac{1000c_0}{1000y}$has to stay the same, c0 should also be changed to 1000 c0. Of course c1 is not affected. So, by a scale transformation of the inhibition, one can change the quotient $\frac{c_1}{c_0}$ to any value one may desire. Now the following result can be shown to hold. The PI model with parameters A, a0 =a, a1 = ka, c0 = c and c1 = kc tends to the PE model with parameters A, c0 = c and c1 = kc (i.e. the mean number of distractions is given by c1A = kcA and the mean individual distraction time by $\frac{1}{c}$) when $a \rightarrow 0$.

According to the Poisson-Inhibition model the long-term trend can be described by an exponential curve of the following form:

y_j = \alpha + \beta \gamma^{j-1} \mbox{ for } j = 1, 2, \ldots, n,
\end{displaymath} (5)

where n is equal to the number of reaction times. $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ each are functions of the parameters A, a0, a1, c0 and c1. In order to evaluate the stationary mean and variance one may compute the mean and the variance of the reaction times in the last part of the task, assuming that the long-term trend can be neglected in that part of the test.

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