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Andreski. S. (1972). Social Science as Sorcery. Deutsch, London.
Aristotle. (1962). The Politics. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Aristotle. (1981). The Ethics. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Arrian (1937). The Discourses of Epictetus, The Enchiridion. Dent & Sons.
Aurelius. M.A. (1949). Meditations. Dent & Sons, London.
Baudouin. C. (1920). Suggestion and Autosuggestion. George Allen & Unwin. London.
Baudouin. C. (1923). The Power Within Us. George Allen & Unwin. London.
Bok S.T. (1963). Het Ontstaan van het Leven Het Spectrum Utrecht.
Brandis. J.D. (1815). Ueber Psychische Heilmittel un Magnetismus. Gyldendal, Kopenhagen.
Brown. J.A.C. (1963). Techniques of Persuasion. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Carnegie. D. (1913). Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business. The World's Work. Kingswood U.K.
Churchill. W.H.S. (1948). The Second World War. 6 Vols. Cassell, London.
Cicero. M.T. (1971). On the Good Life. Penguin. Hamondsworth.
Cicero. M.T. (1972). The Nature of the Gods. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Confucius. (1979). The Analects. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Darwin. C. (1975). The Origin of Species. Penguin. Books. Harmondsworth.
DeBono. E. (1967). The Use of Lateral Thinking. Jonathan Cape. London.
DeBono. E. (1973). Po: Beyond Yes and No. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Deeping. W. (1938). Sorrell and Son. Cassell, London.
Dhammapada. (1973). Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Diderot. D. (1966). Rameau's Nephew, D'Alembert's Dream. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Doyle. Sir Arthur. C. (1974). A Study in Scarlet. Pan Books, London.
Doyle. Sir Arthur. C. (1960). The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Doyle. Adrian. C. & Carr. J.D. (1955). The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes. Companion Book Club, London.
Erickson. M.V. (1967). Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy. Grune & Stratton New York.
Forester. C.S. (1954). The Nightmare. Micheal Joseph, London.
Golding. W. (1969). The Lord of the Flies. Harcourt Brace. New York.
Graves. R. (1950). Claudius the God and his Wife Messalina. Methuen, London.
Haeckel. E. (1911). The Riddle of the Universe. Watts, London.
Herodotus. (1954). The Histories. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Hesiod (1979). Theogony, Works and Days. Penguin. Classics Harmondsworth.
Hitler. A. (1939). Mein Kampf. Hurst & Blackett, London.
Homer. (1978). The Iliad Penguin. Classics Harmondsworth.
Homer. (1979). The Odyssey Penguin. Classics Harmondsworth.
Hoyle. A. (1960). The Black Cloud. Penguin.. Harmondsworth.
Huxley. A. (1969). Brave New World Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Huxley. J. (1944). On Living in a Revolution. Chatto & Windus. London.
Kline. M.V. (1955). Hypnodynamic Psychology. Julian Press. New York.
Leon. L. (1988). The World-Solution for World-Problems. Own Print.
Lucretius. T.C. (1970). The Nature of the Universe. Penguin. Books Harmondsworth.
Malthus. T.R. (1976). An Essay on the Principle of Population. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Maugham. W.S. (1938). Altogether, Collected Stories. William Heinemann, London.
Mencius. (1970). Mencius. Penguin.. Harmondsworth.
Mill. J.S. (1912). Three Essays. Henry Frowde, London.
Mill. J.S. (1905). A System of Logic. George Routledge, London.
Ortega y Gasset. J. (1957). El Hombre y La Gente. Revista Occidente Madrid.
Ortega y Gasset. J. La Rebellion de Las Masas.
Orwell. G. (1949). Nineteen Eighty Four. Penguin.. Harmondsworth.
Parkinson. C.N. (1957). Parkinson's Law. Ballantine. New York.
Parkinson. C.N. (1960). The Law and the Profits. John Murray. London.
Peter. L.J. & Hull. R. (1970). The Peter Principle. Bantam Books. New York.
Plato. (1892). The Republic. MacMillan, London.
Plato. (1970). The Laws. Penguin.. Harmondsworth.
Rand. A. & Branden. N. (1964). The Virtue of Selfishness. Signet Books. New York.
Rousseau. J.J. (1918). Emile or Education. Dent & Sons, London.
Salter. A. (1952). The Case Against Psychoanalysis. Henry Holt. New York.
Satow. L. (1923). Hypnotism & Suggestion. George Allen & Unwin. London.
Schofield. A.T. (1898). The Unconscious Mind. Funk & Wagnalls. New York.
Schwarzschild. L. (1943). World in Trance. Hamish Hamilton. London.
Seneca. L.A. (1969). Letters from a Stoic. Penguin.. Harmondsworth.
Sinclair. U. (1927). Oil. Grosset & Dunlap New York.
Sinclair. U. (1947). A World to Win. Werner Laurie Ltd.London.
Solzhenitsyn. A. (1977). One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Penguin. Books Harmondsworth.
Spencer. H. (1924). Essays. Dent & Sons, London.
Spencer. H. (1940). Man Versus the State. Watts, London.
Spencer. H. (1897). The Study of Sociology. Kegan Paul, London.
Spencer. H. (1907). The Data of Ethics. Williams & Norgate. London.
Swift J. (1919). Gulliver's Travels, The Tale of the Tub etc. Humphrey Milford, London.
Tao Te Ching, See Waley.
Tietjens. E. (1931). Desuggestion. George Allen & Unwin, London.
Waley. A. (undated). The Way and its Power. Grove Press New York.
Walker. K. (1945). Meaning and Purpose. Jonathan Cape, London.
Wells. H.G. Sociological work:
Wyndham. J. (1977). Chocky. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1977). The Chrysalids. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1968). Consider Her Ways. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1969). The Day of the Triffids. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1974). Exiles on Asperus. in A Sense of Wonder) N.E.L. Books, London
Wyndham. J. (1974). Jizzle. N.E.L. Books, London.
Wyndham. J. (1976). The Kraken Wakes. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1967). The Midwich Cuckoos. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. & Parkes. L. (1962). The Outward Urge. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1975). The Secret People. Coronet Books, London.
Wyndham. J. (1969). The Seeds of Time. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1964). Trouble With Lichen. Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Wyndham. J. (1980). Web Penguin. Harmondsworth.
Yutang. L. (1939). The Importance of Living. William Heinemann. London.
Yutang. L. (1948). The Wisdom of Laotse. Random House. New York.

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