Usefull for me (and maybe for you)
University Brightspace page
Google Scholar
Dutch weather forecast
University webmail / agenda
Citeseer research index
Latex wikibooks
Parameterized Complexity Home Page
The Complexity Zoo
Ph.D. hints and tips
Pictures from my own defense and the thesis itself
How to be an effective graduate student
How to do research at the MIT AI lab
Alan Bundy's researcher's bible
Networking on the network (archived)
Principles of effective research
The assistant professors's guide to the galaxy
The story of Mel, a Real programmer
The Hacker's Jargon lexicon
Piled Higher and Deeper
On Good Writing
Hobby - OS development
The JONIX operating system
OSDev forum and wiki
Operating System Development Resources
Flat Assembler
Intel 80386 programmer's reference manual
The C library reference guide
alt.os.development FAQ
HelpPC reference library
Hobby - Genealogical research
Genealogie werkbalk (Dutch meta search engine)
Genealogy of the Kwisthout family (in Dutch, last updated July 2012)
Find out about my Erdős-Bacon-Sabbath number
I ran the London Marathon in April 2004; see my old webpages (in Dutch)